Student Solution


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Week 3 Homework Ethical Dilemma

Week 3 Homework_Ethical Dilemma

Q Ethical Dilemma Complete one of the Ethical Dilemma Situations beginning on page 98 of your text, and click Ethical Dilemma Instructions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for instructions on how to solve this dilemma. You may choose to write about any one of the Ethical Dilemmas that interest you. Don't forget to submit your assignment.

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Although I don’t have enough time to write 30 pages term paper, still it will not be okay to purchase the term paper and submit it as my own. In this way, it can be thought as following the academic dishonesty. Even my course can be cancelled for such unethical practice. If I submit the purchase paper then my due date will not be missed. However, I cannot learn anything as it would be not my own work I cannot learn anything from that paper. It will be not good for my future as well. Such ethical dilemma has created the situation more complicated.